Definition of tapa
English to English noun - the thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus
source: WordNet 3.0 - a paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark
source: WordNet 3.0 - A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry; -- sometimes called also kapa.
source: Webster 1913 Tagalog to English English Definition: (noun) jerked beef or pork; dried meat
source: Large Tagalog Dictionary noun - hung-beef [jáng-bif]
Tapa; pindang source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog - dried-beef [dráid-bif]
Tapa; pindang source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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tapa, tapay, tappa, tap, tape, tapi, taba, tupa, tataupa, tupai, tahip, taupe, topau, tafia, typha, tapwe, teapoy, taupie, taipei, tupaia