Definition of thrum
English to English noun - a thrumming sound
He could hear the thrum of a banjo.
source: WordNet 3.0 - One of the ends of weaver's threads; hence, any soft, short threads or tufts resembling these.
source: Webster 1913 verb - sound with a monotonous hum
source: WordNet 3.0 - sound the strings of (a string instrument)
Strum a guitar.
source: WordNet 3.0 - make a rhythmic sound
Rain drummed against the windshield. The drums beat all night.
source: WordNet 3.0 - To furnish with thrums; to insert tufts in; to fringe.
source: Webster 1913 - To play rudely or monotonously on a stringed instrument with the fingers; to strum.
source: Webster 1913 - To play, as a stringed instrument, in a rude or monotonous manner.
source: Webster 1913
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