English to English
- a low bed to be slid under a higher bed
source: WordNet 3.0
- small wheel or roller
source: WordNet 3.0
- A round body; a little wheel.
source: Webster 1913
- move heavily
The streetcar trundled down the avenue.
source: WordNet 3.0
- To roll (a thing) on little wheels; as, to trundle a bed or a gun carriage.
source: Webster 1913
- To go or move on small wheels; as, a bed trundles under another.
source: Webster 1913
English to Tagalog
- [trœndl] Gulong na mababà
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
- [trœndl] Umikot; umikit; pumihit
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog